Meet Sophie, the spokesdog for SavvyBeast, and expert taste tester.
Customers love Sophie and she loves them.
We found Sophie a few years ago at a rescue organization near us.
She had a rocky start to life. She had been through some abuse, mistreatment and plenty of misunderstanding.
When we met her the rescue people told us that she was going to have behavior problems.
We saw something very special in her so we took a chance and brought her home.
Sophie is what’s called a beautiful Taco Terrier — part Chihuahua and part Fox Terrier.
When we first met her, I was enchanted by that little crooked tooth but I noticed that she looked so sad.
It didn’t take her long to realize that she had finally found a loving, forever home and she became a different dog.
After that first week in the SavvyBeast household, she learned that it was safe to be herself completely. And boy, did she come around.

Her personality began to shine.
She began to jump up on our laps and give us big hugs.
She loves to dance and craves affection.
She loves to get picked up, and once held, she’s makes it very clear that she needs a treat!
She can be impatient so don’t spend too long on the phone because she’ll let you know when it’s time to go outside and play!
Pretty soon she was making all her intentions and desires known big time!
She isn't shy and she can be a little diva.
It turns out she is an extraordinary dog who knows exactly what she likes and dislikes.
She knows quality and her palate is esquisite.
That quality got her a job as the official SavvyBeast taste tester and spokesdog.

Sophie’s Role at SavvyBeast
Because she is so definite about what she likes and doesn’t like, Sophie is definitely Top Dog at SavvyBeast.
So she gets to taste test all our products.
If we’re trying something new and she doesn’t like it, that’s all we need to know!
We’ve learned that she’s an excellent representative for what other dogs are going to like.

She loves all visitors to SavvyBeast
She wants to greet them and show them her toys.
Of course, she’s also hoping they’ll pass along one of the SavvyBeast Dogstars, a little piece of Black Angus Beef Jerky Treat or a dab of Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil.
When we got Sophie with her little crooked tooth, we knew we didn’t want a “perfect” dog.
We wanted a great dog. Sophie is all that and more.
With her on the job, you can always be sure of getting SavvyBeast treats and nutritional products that your dog will love!